NaPoWriMo, Day 17: “Slander”

This poem came to mind when I randomly thought of the “sword of Damocles” anecdote. I couldn’t get it out of my head even though I wanted to write a poem about something else. So, here it is.

(I’ve been keeping up with writing poems but not with posting them. Today’s poem should get written and posted tonight).


Your words hang over my head like a sword of Damocles.
Though false, I fear them—
Am I blind to their truth?
One bad move, and the sword will fall,
Piercing my heart, exposing it.
All will see and believe.
They will say, “This was just punishment,”
Never knowing that it was you, not me,
Who hung the weapon above me.
Even I will forget and agree,
And your lies become my identity.
But I will fear not your sword.
I know its tether, though thin, is strong,
For  it is Truth, and it is unbreakable.

NaPoWriMo, Day 16: “When I’m With You”

Just another love poem today. I didn’t like it at first, but it’s grown on me.

When I’m With You

You, oh Beauty, inspire
With your word, your touch, your glance, your smile.
You draw out the man
I never knew I was.

When I’m with you…
I’m stronger.
I can carry your burdens
And pick you up when you fall.

When I’m with you…
I’m bolder.
I can slay the dragons
And chase your fears away.

When I’m with you…
I’m humbler.
Alone, I’m powerless to save you,
So I fall on my knees to find my Strength.

When I’m with you…
I’m who I was created to be—
Your hero,
A man after God’s own heart.