NaPoWriMo, Day 16: “When I’m With You”

Just another love poem today. I didn’t like it at first, but it’s grown on me.

When I’m With You

You, oh Beauty, inspire
With your word, your touch, your glance, your smile.
You draw out the man
I never knew I was.

When I’m with you…
I’m stronger.
I can carry your burdens
And pick you up when you fall.

When I’m with you…
I’m bolder.
I can slay the dragons
And chase your fears away.

When I’m with you…
I’m humbler.
Alone, I’m powerless to save you,
So I fall on my knees to find my Strength.

When I’m with you…
I’m who I was created to be—
Your hero,
A man after God’s own heart.

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