Tag Archives: red passion

NaPoWriMo, Days 27 & 28: ‘Pride Goes Before a Fall’ and ‘Red Passion’


Yesterday’s prompt was to take a commonly known proverb or saying, plug it into an internet search engine, and then select words or phrases in the first few pages of the search for a poem. I chose, “Pride goes before a fall” (based on Proverbs 16:18). The words in bold were the excerpts from the search.

Today’s prompt was deceptive in its simplicity. I was to choose a color and write a poem inspired by it. I chose red.


Day 27:
Pride Goes Before a Fall
By Nathan Marchand

In this maniac world,
People worship themselves.
What does it mean?
You’ve become your own idol.
Might as well admit it—
You don’t love me.
How could I compete?
How could I compare?
Composing the most beautiful
Song lyrics could do you no justice.
No modest alterations could
Make me worthy of you.

But as history illustrates,
Hubris is always fatal.
The arrogant are likely to fail
Despite their haughty spirit.
God opposes the proud
You may exalt yourself,
But God will humble you.
Who will follow you
When the truth is revealed?
You will watch in despair
As the humble are exalted
And the meek inherit the Earth.

Day 28:
Red Passion
By Nathan Marchand

A man was drenched in red
As passion bled from his wounds.
A self-sacrificial suffering
At the hands of those red with rage,
Driving nails through
Flesh and bone,
Soul and spirit,
With unquenchable bloodlust.
From him, a crimson flow, washing
Hearts stained scarlet
And leaving them white.
The bread of life
Dipped in burgundy wine,
Poured out as an offering.
Eat his flesh and drink his blood,
And you will have eternal life.