Tag Archives: pearl of great price

Pearl of Great Price

Pearl of Great Price
By Nathan Marchand

Long have you searched the world
Seeking her—the rarest treasure.
She is worth far more than rubies,
But who can find her?

She is a precious stone, a pearl of great price,
Often thrown before swine
And trampled in mud,
But never losing her luster.

Find her while she may be found.
But if you do, you must sacrifice.
Sell all you have, lay your pride aside.
Only then, by suffering, can you pay her great price.

But it will seem like a pittance,
For her beauty is matchless,
And like a snowflake, there is none like her,
And never will be again.

Will you fight to earn her?
Will you prize her, cherish her?
Will you polish her so she may shine?
Do so, and she will be your crown forevermore.