Tag Archives: Narnia

‘But I Digress…’ delayed; now writing about two favorite subjects for Examiner

I’m sad to report, True Believers, that episode nine of “But I Digress…” will be delayed a few days, maybe a week. It’s not that I don’t want to make videos anymore. I just have my hands in several projects right now that require my attention and energies (such as Children of the Wells and Hope’s War). I promise you’ll enjoy all this new stuff. Just bear with me.

My next vlog will be part two of “The Nine Basic Plots.” It will include a humorous recap of the first four discussed in part one.

On a related note, this has made me reconsider how often I post new videos. Balancing writing, a part-time job, a social life, and making videos (and possibly grad school sometime in the future) is a daunting task for anyone. Whatever I decide to do, I’ll be sure to let you know.

In other news, I am happy to report that I have acquired two more titles with the online publication Examiner.com. Before, I wrote only about C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia , but now I also write about Star Trek and superheroes. If you know me, you’ll know all of those are some of my favorite subjects. Please check out my pages and subscribe to them! You see them here: Narnia, Star Trek, Superheroes. (Please bear with me since I have yet to post an article for my superhero page as of the date of this blog).

Great things are in store, True Believers!