Tag Archives: Muse

NaPoWriMo, Day 14: “Writer’s Block”

I have been keeping up with writing poems for NaPoWriMo–I just haven’t been posting them on time. Anyway, here’s another one. This one was inspired by my troubles with brainstorming ideas for poems (among other things). I’m not happy with it, though. It seems to meander and/or lack focus. Maybe I’m wrong. You decide, readers.

Writer’s Block

My Muse, my Muse, why have you forsaken me?
Penning a few lines is a chasing after the wind.
Inspiration is a prey I stalk with a club,
A club better used to break the dam
My mind built to halt the rapids
Of creativity, thoughts, emotions, insights
Refusing the river’s flow from mind to heart to hand to pen to paper.
Will they drink the water, my Muse?
Will it be refreshing or sour?
Is that why you elude me today?
Or are you in the torrent behind the dam,
Waiting for me to break through?