NaPoWriMo, Day 28: “Escape”

This poem was inspired by my recent reading of the Book of Job in the Bible, specifically the titular character’s speeches. It’s a bit depressing, but it’s also honest (much like Job himself).


Job is my kindred,
For few understand my sorrow:
The pain of a righteous sufferer.
Injustice crushes me unopposed,
I am criticized or ignored by “comforters,”
Slander and lies poison my friendships,
Leaving my life to rot in mediocrity.
Oh, that I could shed this mortal coil,
And be with my LORD in Paradise!
My bones are weary despite my youth,
My heart leaden from despair.
If death is my only relief
And Eternity my only vindication,
Then let me escape this Purgatory—
Take me now that my suffering may end.
Or else grant me justice—
Cut out my naysayers’ tongues,
Restore me, bless me, heal me
Before I am swallowed by the Pit.

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