Summer’s Stories signing successful

Signing copies of 'Destroyer' and 'The Day After'
The authors of 'Destroyer' and 'The Day After' sign copies of their books. L to R: Timothy Deal, myself, Natasha Hayden. (Not pictured: Nick Hayden).

If you came to the book signing my partners in crime Tim and Nick and Natasha and I held at Summer’s Stories this past Saturday, thank you for making it a rousing success. If you didn’t come…why?

While the signing was originally just for Destroyer, we received copies of The Day After right before it, so it was included. I sold nearly twice as many books there as I did the first time I had a signing at the store (of course, it helped that I was selling two titles).

Don’t forget that this Saturday I will be at Fort Wayne Celebrates on the former Taylor University Fort Wayne campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana, from 12pm-5pm!

Be there, or be square!