I neglected to post my annual “thankfulness” blog last year for Thanksgiving. It wasn’t because I wasn’t thankful; I just forgot to do it. I’m remedying that this year. So, here are 100 things I’m thankful for in 2019.
- God the Father
- Jesus Christ
- The Holy Spirit
- My salvation
- The Bible
- My wonderful family
- My two nephews
- My amazing friends
- My equally amazing writer friends
- The Fort Wayne Ballroom Company (FWBC)
- My “dance family” at FWBC
- That I continue to perform at FWBC’s showcases and other events with wonderful instructors/partners
- Ballroom/social dancing
- For all the conventions I attended this year
- Tatsumaki (my car)
- My new church
- My gaming consoles and video games
- My book collection
- My movie collection
- My laptop
- My music collection
- My new podcast, The Monster Island Film Vault
- For being a PFW grad student
- My graduate teaching assistanceship
- My cosplays
- That I’m a published author
- Hades Publications, which published my first novel and still has me under contract
- CreateSpace, which publishes my self-published books
- That I have some exciting writing projects in the works
- My strong sense of justice
- The Fortress of Solitude (my apartment)
- My talent for writing
- all for One Productions
- Volunteering for afO
- My YouTube channel
- For being part of the team writing at Children of the Wells
- That I’m creative
- My intellectual mind
- My poet’s soul
- My warrior’s heart
- That I can read
- My iPhone 11
- That I’m an American
- That I’m a Hoosier
- Summertime
- October (the “sweet spot” of autumn)
- Changing seasons
- Christian Gamers Guild
- Nerd Chapel
- Theology Gaming
- My sense of humor
- Allen County Public Library
- The Constitution, which lists my unalienable rights.
- My “superpowers” (rarely get sick, my “BS” sense, look much younger than I am, heal fast from injuries).
- My health
- Netflix
- Disney+
- My RodeCaster Pro
- My knack for photography
- Pretzels
- Exercising at the gym.
- My comic book collection
- Chimp’s Comics
- B.E. Comics
- My board game collection
- My nerdiness
- The police and their service
- The military and their service
- My journal(s)
- My website (www.NathanJSMarchand.com)
- My fandoms
- Gen-Con
- The family pets
- Bookstores
- Spaghetti
- Highland toffee (the family recipe)
- www.Amazon.com
- Movie theatres
- My college degree
- Running water
- That I’m tall
- That I still have all my hair
- Football
- (Most of) My coworkers
- The generosity of others
- The TUFW Alumni and Friends Center
- That I attended TUFW
- That I moved to Fort Wayne
- For living in the countryside
- Plumbing
- The Internet (though I sometimes wonder if it’s that great…)
- My gig with InstaCart
- Facebook (again, sometimes I wonder if it’s worthwhile…)
- Holidays
- Family reconciliation
- My intelligence
- Arizona Tea Herbal Energy Tonic (cheaper than any energy drink!)
- YouTube (though again, it’s merits are often debatable)
- Candy
- And finally…MORE STAR WARS!
What are you thankful for this year?
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