Yours truly featured in today’s edition of Times-Union

I was interviewed by the Times-Union, a newspaper based in Warsaw, Indiana, about publishing my first novel, Pandora’s Box, and today I was the front page story in their leisure section. If you live in the area, check it out. You can also the article on the newspaper’s online edition here.

Many thanks to the Times-Union and David Slone, who interviewed me and wrote this piece.

Audio version of ‘Pandora’s Box’ prologue posted!

Remember that podcast I was on this week? Well, the hosts of the podcast, my amazing friends Nick Hayden and Tim Deal, surprised me today by posting a recording of Nick’s wife, Natasha (who, by the way, was the winner of the tagline contest I had a few months back), reading the prologue of Pandora’s Box!

In my excitement, I posted this comment on their website:

“Oh. My. Gosh! I can’t begin to tell you how excited this makes me! Heck, my hands are trembling with excitement as I type this. This is an absolutely wonderful surprise. In fact, it reminds me of an idea I had for an audiobook version of my novel. It would require two readers, one as the narrator (I had imagined I would read for that), and one as [Pvt. Brewer’s] journal, which would be read by a woman.

“I had actually thought about recording a recitation of the prologue myself, but you’ve beaten me to it, and I thank you.”

What makes it perfect is that Natasha is a redhead, just like Pvt. Brewer.

So what are you waiting for? Go listen to this great reading!

Yours Truly interviewed on Derailed Trains of Thought podcast

My college friends and fellow writers, Nick Hayden and Tim Deal, interviewed me for episode three of their podcast, “Derailed Trains of Thought,” which was posted yesterday. The interview is mostly about my new novel, Pandora’s Box, but I do talk about how I discovered my talent for writing, among other things. They even let me pick their second “Soundtrack” selection at the end of the show. The interview consists of the second half of the podcast.

I highly recommend subscribing to their podcast. Both Nick and Tim are quite insightful about storytelling, writing, books, film, and other forms of media.

Listen to Derailed Trains of Thought, Episode 3: From Boredom to Book.

The Drawing for “Pandora’s Box”

As I say in this video, it took longer than I expected, but I finally had 10 entrants for the drawing for a free signed copy of my first novel, “Pandora’s Box.” In case you don’t know, I started a Facebook group for the book shortly before it was published. About two weeks ago, I announced that the next ten people who “Liked” it would be entered for a chance to win a copy. Here, without further ado, is the result.

Congratulations, Mark Sproles, on winning!

P.S. This video, too, was filmed by my little sister, Sarah.

10 entrants for ‘Pandora’s Box’ drawing

I now have the 10th and final entrant for the drawing! Congratulations, Kelsey Getzin!

Here is the complete list of entrants: Devin Schrek, Beth Bongard, Lacus Clyne, Mark Sproles, Luke Schutt, Sarah Deal, Koko-chan Shoryuu, Levoira ‘philip’ Hanamura, Nicole Dynes, and Kelsey Getzin.

I will have the drawing ASAP and announce the winner.

The drawing is now closed, but please join the site anyway.

Opening ‘Pandora’s Box’

After 8 1/2 years of waiting, I finally received copies of my first novel, Pandora’s Box. (FYI: It didn’t take that long to write it. I first conceived the story 8 1/2 years ago). This was a momentous occasion for me, one that I wanted to share it with everyone. So, I had my little sister, Sarah, record it.

Set in 2110, Pandora’s Box tells the story of a lone female soldier defending the world’s last stockpile of weapons of mass destruction from a ruthless dictator intent on using them to upset the balance of power in a world war.

This video was recorded by my little sister, Sarah.

DToT podcast interview recorded; new e-mail subscription

Last night, I went to the home of my friend and fellow writer Nick Hayden to record an interview for the third episode of his podcast, Derailed Trains of Thought, which he hosts with our mutual friend, Tim Deal. The interview was mostly about the process of writing my novel. Not only do you get to hear some insider info about my book, but the podcast is excellent and well worth your time. I highly recommend it. The podcast with my interview will be posted next week.

Also, thanks to FeedBurner, you can now subscribe to my website via e-mail. That’ll make it much easier to keep up with my updates, news, and stories. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE NOW!

A Man from Another Time Exploring Another Universe