Today is my 30th birthday. (You my now sing. Thank you.) So, in celebration, I thought I would entertain and enlighten you with 30 important lessons I’ve learned in the first three decades of my life. Enjoy! Live long and prosper.
1. It’s okay to ask God questions, even about faith’s “fundamentals.”
2. Never date your stalker.
3. Make sure you gather a raccoon’s stash of berries before it eats them.
4. Always take a girl to either a horror movie or a tearjerker on a date: she’ll either cling to you the whole time or cry on your shoulder. 😉
5. Tenacity pays off when you’re a writer.
6. Love is more important than money.
7. People are more important than things.
8. Know what you want and go for it.
9. Don’t hesitate to seek justice.
10. Always be honest with God and people.
11. Don’t be afraid to terminate a friendship if it becomes unproductive.
12. Jell-O is evil—it causes blindness.
13. Despair is easy; joy is a challenge.
14. Women are the greatest enigma God ever created, and men will spend a lifetime trying to solve that mystery.
15. You’re never too old to enjoy cartoons.
16. Know when to shut up…
17. …and when to speak your mind.
18. Romance often comes at unexpected times and places.
19. Take pride in your hard work, even if it goes unrewarded.
20. Even Jesus Christ, Who was perfect, made enemies, so don’t be surprised if you make any.
21. Learn to laugh at yourself (but not too much).
22. “Normal” is a relative term.
23. Wisdom often comes in unexpected packages—like little sisters.
24. Be yourself. If some people don’t like you, that’s their problem.
25. Never lose your sense of wonder.
26. Assume the best about a person unless given reason not to.
27. Answers aren’t always easy.
28. The only unforgiveable sin is unbelief.
29. Never be afraid to try new things and be adventurous.
And finally…
30. The Doctor lies.