After fighting a long battle with Lulu.com‘s cover wizard program, I am ecstatic to announce that Destroyer has been self-published in print! This is a novella I co-wrote with Natasha Hayden and Timothy Deal from 2008-2009 as part of a year-long “Pulp Fiction Project” we and our writer friends did. I chose to write a “monster story” (which, as one guy pointed out, meant I could write “everything from Frankenstein to Godzilla”) and spent three months writing part one (about 10,000 words). The goal was to have a 30,000 word book by the end of the project. Then at our follow-up meetings throughout the year, we drew names from a hat, and that person wrote the next section of the story. Those fell to Natasha for part two and Timothy for part three.
I decided several months ago it was time for this to get published.
Destroyer tells the tale of a group of scientists and soldiers who create a giant cybernetic dragon to end a war, but the creature goes berserk and strands them in Moscow, one of the enemy capitals, and goes on a rampage.
I know that sounds like a B-movie plot, but I promise you it is closer to the movie Cloverfield, and it even has some shades of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It was, I will admit, inspired by a few Godzilla movies.
Regardless, it is available here on Lulu.com as a paperback and as a downloadable PDF. It will soon be available as an eBook on www.SmashWords.com, so you can take it anywhere on your mobile device.
Prepare yourself for some thrills and chills, readers!
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