All posts by Nathan Marchand

But I Digress… x MIFV: A Conversation with Author, Musician, and Nerdy Girl Alyssa Charpentier

I sit down with the multitalented Alyssa Charpentier, who wears enough proverbial hats to fill a warehouse. She’s a writer, a musician, a Navy sailor, a former Godzilla YouTuber, and hardcore nerd girl, among other things. We discuss her past and current creative projects, her best advice for aspiring writers, and more, including her serialized Godzilla fanfiction, Strange Flesh, which is exclusive to her Patreon page.

Join Alyssa’s Patreon page to read Godzilla: Strange Flesh!

Check out Nathan’s spinoff podcasts, The Henshin Men and The Power Trip, and Henshin Power V3!

We’d like to give a shout-out to our MIFV MAX patrons Danny DiManna (author/creator of the Godzilla Novelization Project); Damon Noyes, The Cel Cast, TofuFury, Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel, Redeemed Otaku Podcast, Wynja the Ninja, Christopher Riner, The Indiscrite One, Eli Harris, Jake Hambrick, Matt Walsh (but not that Matt Walsh), Jonathan Courtright, Leon Campbell, Michael Watson, and Sam Allred! Thanks for your support!

You, too, can join MIFV MAX on Patreon to get this and other perks starting at only $3 a month! (

Buy official MIFV merch on TeePublic! ( NEW MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!

This episode is approved by the Monster Island Board of Directors.

Podcast Social Media:

#JimmyFromNASALives       #MonsterIslandFilmVault    #NathanMarchand            #AlyssaCharpentier    #ButIDigress

© 2025 Moonlighting Ninjas Media

But I Digress…, Episode 50: Can Critics Create Art? (Ft. Ryan “The Omni Viewer” Collins”)

WHEN: January 16, 2025 at 7pm EST.

Nathan relaunches “But I Digress…” (again) as a monthly livestream! For episode 50, he’s joined by fellow author/actor/content creator Ryan “The Omni Viewer” Collins to discuss whether or not critics can create good art. They know how the proverbial sausage is made, but can they actually cook, so to speak? Join Nathan and Ryan to see if they can answer that question.

TRAILER REACTION: Superman (2025) Teaser | James Gunn, You Beatiful Bastard!

The much-hyped teaser trailer for James Gunn’s Superman (2025) has dropped. So, I made an impromptu reaction video for it. You all know I love Superman, but I’ve felt ambivalent toward most Superman media from the last decade, including the early teaser images for this film. But after watching the trailer…well, let’s just say I’m excited that I may have an excuse to discuss it on my flagship podcast, The Monster Island Film Vault.

Find my websites and socials on my Linktree:

MIFV website:

What I’m Thankful For (2024)

I’ll be honest, I haven’t had the best year. It wasn’t a disastrous year, but it wasn’t great, either. I’m all for gratitude, but unfortunately, too many people in Christian circles seem to equate gratitude with complacency. Wanting more is seen as problematic. Or rather, improving one’s place is seen as unholy.

Regardless, I will do my best to list as many of the things I’m thankful for this year as I can. That is the point of Thanksgiving, isn’t it?

  1. God the Father.
  2. Jesus Christ.
  3. The Holy Spirit.
  4. The Bible.
  5. My church.
  6. My church’s pastors.
  7. My apartment.
  8. The Fort Wayne Ballroom Company.
  9. My substitute teaching job (as much as I hate it).
  10. My recent dental work.
  11. Dental insurance.
  12. My college friends circle.
  13. My fandom/podcast friends circle.
  14. My parents.
  15. My siblings.
  16. My laptop.
  17. My iPhone.
  18. The data the data recovery service was able to find (even though it wasn’t nearly as much as they said they could).
  19. The Monster Island Film Vault (my flagship podcast)
  20. Henshin Power V3 (my other podcast)
  21. My co-hosts and guest hosts on said podcasts.
  22. The Kaiju Lovers (MIFV fans)
  23. Henshin Power V3 listeners.
  24. My readers.
  25. The rest of my fans.
  26. G-Fest.
  27. Gen-Con.
  28. The other cons I attended.
  29. Kaiju United.
  30. TokUSA.
  31. My other publishers.
  32. My physical media collection.
  33. My book/comic library.
  34. My toy collection.
  35. That I live in America.
  36. That I live in Indiana.
  37. That I live in Fort Wayne.
  38. That I was able to produce my first full-length audiodrama episode, “Origins: Rito Bandora” for Scyther Inc.
  39. That I’m a member of Scyther’s actor stable.
  40. That I play Rito for Scyther.
  41. That I play Deadpool for Scyther.
  42. That I play Johnny Storm for Scyther.
  43. That I get asked to play those characters for other people.
  44. That I’m a published author.
  45. My author website.
  46. My MIFV website.
  47. My board games collection.
  48. My video game collection.
  49. My car.
  50. All the artists I know, especially if we’ve collaborated.
  51. The Constitution.
  52. The comic shops I frequent.
  53. My Patreon supporters.
  54. Electricity.
  55. Running water.
  56. Internet service.
  57. My bookshelves.
  58. The family pets.
  59. Tax refunds.
  60. Music.
  61. Dance.
  62. Bicycles.
  63. Roller rinks.
  64. Bookstores.
  65. Coffee shops.
  66. Laser tag.
  67. Arcades.
  68. The police.
  69. Military members.
  70. Veterans.
  71. The gym.
  72. My degrees.
  73. Indoor plumbing.
  74. That I can read.
  75. My past podcasts (Henshin Men and The Power Trip).
  76. Groceries.
  77. Pretzels.
  78. Pizza.
  79. Spaghetti.
  80. Protein shakes.
  81. Energy drinks (especially Ghost).
  82. My nephews and niece.
  83. Camping.
  84. C.S. Lewis.
  85. J.R.R. Tolkien.
  86. Stan Lee.
  87. My other favorite authors.
  88. Canva.
  89. Audacity.
  90. MS Word.
  91. Birthday gifts.
  92. Christmas.
  93. Hosting Scyther’s Power Rangers aftershows.
  94. Being part of Scyther’s Ranger Reviews.
  95. Podcasts.
  96. Audiobooks.
  97. My published books.
  98. Being part of Wild Hunt Press.
  99. Shameless self-promotion.

What are you thankful for this year? Comment below.


Rito Revolto from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.

In case you didn’t know, I’ve been part of Scyther Podcasts’ stable of actors for a few years now. This is a group run by Karl Dutton that makes fan-produced audiodramas, most notably for X-Men and Power Rangers. While I’ve played (of all people) Deadpool on X-Men: The Audiodrama and as Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) on its spin-off Avengers: The Audiodrama (which is run by Mitch McFarland), my first claim to fame at Scyther was playing the darkly funny supervillain Rito Bandora (aka Rito Revolto in his original incranation) on Power Rangers: The Audiodrama (see image to the right). Unbeknownst to me, Scyther’s Rito became a fan-favorite.

Because of this and some…spoiler-ific events in PRAD, I pitched an idea to Karl to write and produce a bonus episode that expands on the background for Rito that’s briefly discussed in a few episodes of the main show. He approved the outline, and after a few months of drafting the script, I went into production for my first full-lnegth audiodrama. I say, “full-length,” because I’ve produced shorter drama segments on my flagship podcast, The Monster Island Film Vault, but the longest any of those got was about 20 minutes. This special clocks in at 55 minutes. I Mel Gibson’d the snot out of this; writing, directing, editing, producing, and starring in it. I even commissioned my friend Rebecca Hudgens to do the cover art and purchased the rights to a metal song to use as the episode’s theme song. I’ve joked that the episode should be retitled, “Nate’s Vanity Project.”

So, sit back and enjoy this dark science fantasy comedy!

You can also listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you get your podcasts.

Be sure to watch me be interviewed about the background of this special on The Power Chamber Podcast.

The Writers’ Roundtable discusses Inspiration [livestream clip]

In yet another clip from the Omni Viewer’s writers’ roundtable livestream, we discuss the sources of our inspiration for our projects. I hope you find encouragement in it!

The roundtable consists of of:
-Ryan Collins
-Nathan Marchand
-Daniel DiManna
-Neil Riebe
-Karl Dutton
-Christopher Nigro
-Matt Dennion

Watch the full livestream here.


How Writers Overcome Discouragement [livestream excerpt]

In this excerpt from Ryan “The Omni Viewer” Collins’s Writer Roundtable Livestream from September 20, 2024, he, myself, and our fellow writers discuss how we encourage ourselves to keep writing when it gets difficult. I hope it gives you the emotional boost you need to keep writing!

The roundtable consists of of:
-Ryan Collins
-Nathan Marchand
-Daniel DiManna
-Neil Riebe
-Karl Dutton
-Christopher Nigro
-Matt Dennion

Watch the full livestream here.


But I Digress…, Episode 50: Tales from Gen-Con 2024 | Ft. Eric Anderson of Nerd Chapel

Nathan is joined by his friend, co-author, and college friend Eric Anderson, founder of Nerd Chapel, to discuss their adventures at Gen-Con in Indianapolis. It’s “the best four days of gaming” and the biggest vendor hall they’ve ever sold books in.

My apologies for not posting this sooner.