2018: Looking Back and Looking Forward

It’s been a wild year.

Happy New Year 2019 with colorful fireworks

2018 wasn’t always a good year, but it was an eventful one. One filled with changes and new ventures and adventures. Here are a few highlights:

-Bought a new car after being in an accidents

-Started a new job.

-Finished the first season of my podcast, Kaijuvision Radio.

-Attended several conventions, where I met some great people and made some excellent connections.

-Started grad school.

-Moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana, like I’ve wanted to for a long time.

-Competed in The Winter Solstice, my first real ballroom dancing competition.

-Was interviewed for the first time on the radio.

So, on the last day of 2018, I’ve decided to look ahead to 2019 with a few important goals. I took some much-needed big steps forward in 2018, and I want to keep that momentum going. My creative goals include:

-Getting one or two new books in print (the publishing industry could only be slower if it was run by sloths).

-Write a stand-alone novel…

-,,,to get a literary agent (apologies to my readers who want those promised sequels soon).

-Finish my second and third semesters of grad school.

-Host a panel at G-Fest XXVI.

-Hold 3-5 book signings (including at least one at a convention).

-Get published in 2-3 anthologies.

-Compete again at The Winter Solstice.


Bring it on, 2019! Let’s do this!

What are your goals for the New Year?

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